The difference here in. by Prabhas Chandra Majumder (Calcutta: Calcutta Oriental Press, 1959). Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of the future, also known as the Laughing Buddha, is the one to follow up the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. 1 Quotes about. Neither lying down nor sitting, that woman, who will have fulfilled her duty, The best of men will exit the womb from the right side [of his mother], just like the shining sun coming out from behind a mass of clouds. The Samantabhadra Meditation Stra Then, the teacher Maitreya, the highest of humans, looking down. The Tibetan does have (LH 985.3; NT 964.5), literally thinking thus. After this version the Tibetan translates verses 58 and 59 from the Sanskrit, but these will be translated in the Sanskrit order. Majumders edition of the Sanskrit text, pp. History of Indian Buddhism: From the Origins to the Saka Era. That such a claim is followed by a display of miraculous signs and the adoration of the worlds kings and gods (verse 83-84) clearly demonstrates that the narrative is intended for a lay audience for whom the primary practice was from the earlier Hearer path (there is no mention of Bodhisattvas or any Great Vehicle doctrine) but an audience that was increasingly concerned with acts of devotion. Mithil, also on the east coast of India south of Kaliga. For the sake of practice, I refrained from using Lvis translation until I had made a first draft and rarely referred to Conze at all. 55 (AMV 11), (LH 982.3, NT 961.7). Out of pity for [all] the worlds, the very wise riputra, universal commander of the doctrine, asked the teacher this: you have taught about Maitreya, the future Buddha who will serve as leader of the world, O best of men, please explain in detail everything about him including his powers as well as his supernormal abilities. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989. (LH 989.2). Its moats, dug with elegance, show a profusion of, , differs significantly for the last line and the following verses, he has Shankha by name, who will rul. These words are put in the mouth of Maitreya, whereas the Four Noble Truths are presented simply as a paraphrase. This is identical to the version found in Gilgit Manuscripts, ed. See Patrick Olivelle, Patajali and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: An Alternative Social History of Early Dharmastra Production, in Aux Abords de La Clairire: tudes Indiennes et Compares En lHonneur de Charles Malamoud, by Silvia DIntino and Caterina Guenzi, vol. London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1962. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects (Theravada, Mahayana, Tantrayana, Navayana, Purnayana, Triyana and Vajrayana) and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement about . Pigala (tawny, gold-colored) is located in Kaliga, a historical region on the east coast of India below Calcutta. BHSD Franklin Edgertons Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary. 105 (AMV 20); () (LH 986.6, NT 965.7). I hope anyone who reads this translation both enjoys it and gains something from it. The story of the latter woman is found in both the Pali Canon (Divy 77.28, 466.24; Av i.224.3, ii.9.7; Karmav 87.15; 97.3) and, with significant variations, in the Mlasarvarstivda Vinaya (ii.53.16). 13/12/2016. Furthermore, I have done it in isolation without consultation of other scholars from any of these traditions. The highest of these realms is the oft-mentioned Akaniha Heaven. Out of pity for [all] the worlds, the very wise riputra, universal commander of the doctrine, asked the teacher this:16 (1) "Within the earlier and later discourses,17 you have taught about "Maitreya", the future Buddha who will serve as leader of the world.18 (2) . In this context it could simply mean, , the body of the [true] doctrine/religion., This is the way it is used in the Pli canon (, he Tibetan and edition A have: Having trained them in the excellent doctrine (, , 29). Maitreya - "The Coming Teacher of mankind". . 125 (AMV 23) = seized, filled, taken possession of, encompassed. (100) [29], Having compassion on the world,162 the teacher Maitreya, best of bipeds, will teach the good doctrine for 60,000 years. Vol. in this future time, Maitreyas fathers name is Subrahma, which means good priest, and he is the skilled minister of the then world-ruling king. And there is no doubt that having sat down at the foot of that tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will obtain the unsurpassable, complete enlightenment (AMV 18, n. 2). The Tibetan is (LH, p 985.1; NT 964.3) The closest root for that Sanskrit future tense is (to scatter, disperse, cleave or split) but its future 3rd person plural should be , though this could be accounted for by BHS. Rising and falling [according to ones needs],24 [the ground] will be soft like cotton. The prjali is a gesture of cupping the hands together and offering them to the person as a sign of respect. They will be tall in stature with a beautiful complexion and have great strength. Given the breadth of their knowledge and their agreement, they are most likely correct. Each treasure is associated with a different region of ancient India. The Maitreyavyankarna or "The Prophecy Concerning Maitreya". 17 (AMV 3, LH 979.2, NT 958.6). He would then concentrate on all the buddhas and make the following aspiration: 1. By Scott Wood. Conze (238) similarly has when one jumps on it, it gives way, and becomes soft like the leaves of the cotton tree. They are interpreting as a continuative, whereas I am interpreting it as one of a pair of opposites: rising up () and sinking low (). The Tibetan has: (LH 985.3; NT 964.5), which translates simply seeing the excellent beings.. he future life of Maitreya as described by the Buddha in this text makes use of several of the elements of the, but with notable differences. Homage to the Superior [LH 979] Maitreya!. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2012. Simple analysis reveals the truth: and tr). 147The text says, having made the prjali (/ , , AMV 27). The Maitreya Prophecy. These are: Jambudvpa (the continent of the Jambu tree) in the south, Prvavideha (those without a body in the east) in the east, Aparagodnya (those worthy of being given cows in the West) in the west, and Uttarakuru (the Northern Kurus) in the north. The Sanskrit word, "Maitreya" (Pali: Metteya) which means, "The Benevolent One," simply refers to the future Buddha. The name is taken from the Sanskrit maitri (in Pali, metta ), which means "loving kindness." In Mahayana Buddhism, Maitreya is the embodiment of all-encompassing love. Both Conze (240) and Lvi (394) follow the Sanskrit. See note 20. Having first performed a sacrifice, he will offer it to the twice-born. (96) [28] [LH 990], Thrilled, the gods, people, gandharvas, yakas, and rkasas will perform pja155 for the teacher and so will the Ngas who have great magical powers. Login . Enamored with Ahalys beauty, Indra lures Gautama away from his home and, assuming his form, seduces his unsuspecting wife. Sponberg, Alan, Helen Hardacre, and Princeton University. The translation here follows the Tibetan more closely under the assumption that it represents a deeper understanding of the Sanskrit or an interpretation based on oral instruction. The Prophecy of Maitreya Buddha coming back to the terrestrial world is written in most of the major Schools of Buddhism in many Buddhist countries. There will be no more rebirths. Louvain-la-Neuve: Universit catholique de Louvain, Institut orientaliste, 1988. Unveiled Buddhist Buddhist Predictions Buddhist Prophecies Shambhala Prophecy Kingdom of Shambhala Maitreya Maitreya Prediction Maitreya Legend Buddha Avatar Avatar New Avatar Sermon of the Seven Suns Seven Suns Seven Suns . 90Edition A uses different words with nearly identical meaning (AMV 18 n.1), but the Tibetan is significantly different: The branches of that [tree] will be truly high, [reaching] nearly a yojana into the sky. ( LH 985.6; NT 964.7-965.1). Mi-Lar is the transliteration of Maitreya in Mandarin. Any feedback would be appreciated. The Form Realm is populated by higher level beings who in. This fulfills another prophecy: He did not give himself the name Maitreya (and all His other names). 20, * (AMV 4; LH 979.4; NT 959.2) The common equivalency for a yojana is 12-15 km or 7.45-9.32 miles. Following edition A, Lvi translates il voudra quitter le monde. Conze skips these two verses. a different form. Lvi, Sylvain. Is the Maitreya the Second Coming of Christ? 10This popular work has been translated many times. , , , they will be those whose stream [of existence] has been severed, without grasping, and who have left the ocean of existence (, he Tibetan for the whole verse reads: Those who practiced the way of a, the teaching of Maitreya [will be] without negativity, without afflictive emotions, and without doubt (, , Tibetan and Edition A have Having compassion for all beings (, The truth body is one of the three bodies, of the Buddha, along with the enjoyment body. 61This verse breaks the flow of the narrative. Lvis transcription (386, v. 56) does not have this extra word. It refers to the tree under which kyamuni Buddha (Siddhrtha Gautama) gained enlightenment. translates the name of the city Mathura (, The Sanskrit term more commonly refers to a type of family priest. In this context, following the modern English translations of the Tibetan, minister seems more apt (, (good Brhman), though in verse 42, we find. It looks most like a future causative, though for that would be . 23 (AMV 5; LH 979.5; NT 959.2). Lvi (393) translates the negative as without stains (souillures); Conze (239), merely all pure. THE PROPHECY CONCERNING MAITREYA. Lamotte also maintains there is such a text in the Chinese tradition. By propitiating such a one like the compassionate Maitreya, best of bipeds, in time you will proceed to nirva. Maitreya (Sanskrit: ) or Metteyya (Pali: ), also Maitreya Buddha or Metteyya Buddha, is regarded as the future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology.As the 5th and final Buddha of the current kalpa, Maitreya's teachings will be aimed at reinstating the dharma, a vital concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Maitreya (Sanskrit: ) or Metteyya (Pali: ) is regarded as a prophesied Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. 2 (1997): 193200. He is a representation of the Message brought through Him. Attributes of Maitreya Buddha. 126The next verse found only in edition B clearly returns to the third person, thus signifying the end of Maitreyas speech, as is made clear in the Tibetan. 165Edition A has: Then, the true doctrine of this truly great sage who has gone beyond will remain for 10,000 years ( , AMV 29 n. 5) The Tibetan has: Even though he will have entered nirva, the excellent doctrine spoken by the great sage will then remain for 10,000 years ( LH 990.6-990.7, NT 969.4). 6. Dutt, Sukumar. The Buddhistgenre known as Legends, or Avadna,2 refers to stories that demonstrate the workings of karma by connecting a previous lifes virtuous or non-virtuous actions to a subsequent lifes beneficial or harmful outcomes respectively. And having seen this transitoriness of the sacrificial post, Maitreya will contemplate the whole of cyclic existence, and he will long to go forth from home [in renunciation]. . ac was the goddess of beauty. (95), The whole earth will be filled with Foe-Destroyers whose defilements154 will have been destroyed; faults, thrown away; and bonds of existence, cast off. I will effect the liberation of sentient beings immersed in the sea of cyclic existence, who experience great suffering and are bound by the fetters of thirst.. Surrounded by the 84,000 [hearers of Maitreyas sermon], the leader of men will go forth. (8), Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation. 11, 1911, 439-457. There are a number of Buddhist texts foretelling Maitreya. He will be a great hero, raised to his station by the force of hundreds of meritorious deeds. Then he translates the equivalent of verse 27. 146Version A has whose splendor is great (). For the online Sanskrit reference see Than Grove, (accessed February 14, 2021). This practice was adopted by the Buddha from other ascetic sects in his day. See note 49. 2, 1997, p193-200). It is because you placed your vows in the teachings of the Lion of the kya clan and have in fact thoroughly guarded them that you have indeed come into my teachings. That Maitreya, the highest of people, accompanied by the 84,000 [followers] will leave to go forth in renunciation. For Mithil, the Tibetan has which usually translates the name of the city Mathura (AMV 10-11; LH 981.5-981.6; NT 961.2-961.3). Lvi (397) appears to follow the Tibetan, they will have torn the net of desires (ils auront dchir le filet des dsirs). Having seen thus that his son has the 32 marks of an exceptional man and examining them with mantras, Just as, through mantras, two [different] destinies of a youth can be seen, [Subrahm will see that his son will be] either a world-ruling leader of men or a Buddha, the greatest of bipeds. The translation has been reviewed several of times, but I do not consider it polished. A pleasing sound will resound from the wind moving in those palm trees, just like the sweet sound of cymbals in five-part [harmony]. 1, 4. The concept of the four treasures is found in both Buddhism and Jainism. These are the Buddhist Pure Lands that the highest realm of cyclic existence. Rising and falling [according to ones needs], Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation. 3See Winternitz, Maurice, History of Indian Literature, Vol. According to scriptures . (40), Then, with many thousands of musical instruments68 being played, a rain of flowers will fall on Maitreya, when he enters that city.69 (41) [LH 984], Having seen thus that his son has the 32 marks of an exceptional man and examining them with mantras,70 Subrahm71 will be joyful.72 (42), Just as, through mantras, two [different] destinies of a youth can be seen, [Subrahm will see that his son will be] either a world-ruling leader of men or a Buddha, the greatest of bipeds. It is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects, and is accepted by . though in some versions, they are guarded by ngas. Thompson, Richard. (51) [17], [Then he will think,] Having renounce all this [for wandering] wherever, let me reach84 the state of deathlessness.85 Let me liberate people from the fear of sickness, death, and old age.86 (52), That Maitreya, the highest of people, accompanied by the 84,000 [followers] will leave to go forth in renunciation.87 (53) [18], In those days, his tree of enlightenment will be the Nga tree,88 the branches of this [tree] rising 50 yojanas89 in height.90 (54) [NT 965], And having sat down under those [branches] of that [tree], Maitreya, the highest of people, the leader, [LH 986] will reach the unsurpassable, auspicious enlightenment.91 (55), And on that very night when he will set forth in renunciation [of the world], he will indeed attain the other side of enlightenment.92 (56) [19], Thereupon, with a voice that possesses the eight [supreme] qualities,93 that best of [all] people94 will teach the true doctrine that disperses all suffering and is peaceful. 60-61 & 394; Conze 240). Maitreya, the Future Buddha: Edited by Alan Sponberg, Helen Hardacre. The Tibetan is (LH 983.7, NT 963.2-963.3). Maitreya was born in Tehran, Persia, about 100 years after the beginning of the Bab's Mission. Lvi (393) includes this line in his translation. 175The Tibetan adds: Translated by the Indian Scholar Jinamitra and the [Tibetan] translator-monk () Peltsek Rakhita. (LH 991.4-991.5, NT 969.7). The Tibetan translates as I will go to the uncontaminated [the state] beyond sorrow. There will be no more rebirths. One then dies and is reborn in another of the realms. 1.1 Foundations of Buddhism, by Helena Roerich (1930); 1.2 On Eastern Crossroads: Legends and Prophecies of Asia, Helena Roerich (1930). (32b)57, He will be unsoiled by the crud of the womb like a water-lily [is unsoiled] by [dirty] water. Maitreya is depicted in Buddhist art in many ways. From the. According to Nakamura, (Meeting with Maitreya) was composed in the 3rd century A.D. and was translated into Chinese by Kumrajiva (, In dating such texts obscured by the mists of, was probably written somewhere between the end of the 2. knowledge of Sanskrit which had languished for many years. However, I am not quite clear on their meaning. ). In , Lhasa, 74:98296. The verb in Sanskrit is (nirv), the root of Nirva, meaning to I will be extinguished/blown out (). Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984. 95 (AMV 19). The future life of Maitreya as described by the Buddha in this text makes use of several of the elements of the Gautama Buddhas own hagiographymemorialized in the famous work, The Acts of the Buddha,10 by Avaghoa (c. 80-150 CE)but with notable differences. the use of elements from the Siddhrthas hagiography, are aspects of Buddhism that coincided and contributed to the rise of the Great Vehicle. 151 (AMV 29). One recent translation is: Avaghoa and Patrick Olivelle, Life of the Buddha, Clay Sanskrit library (New York: New York University Press, JJC Foundation, 2008), Furthermore, upon his birth Maitreyas father will see his sons two potential destiniesbecoming a world ruler or a Buddhabut unlike uddhodana, the Buddhas father, Maitreyas father will take no steps to prevent his sons renunciation. by Nalinaksha Dutt, Vol. The herald of the Cosmic Christ died peacefully as his home in Tufnell Park, north London in October 2016, at the age of 93. Maitreyas disillusionment with the world also takes a different form. 47The Sanskrit editions begin with this verse. Sponberg, Alan, Helen Hardacre, and Princeton University. "The prophecies state that Maitreya will synthesize the religions of the world under one teaching and unify the West and East together to create perfected beings." ( Golden Keys I ) The central figure of all these prophecies is Maitreya , and the backbone of these prophecies is from the book The Revelation in the Bible . Lvi (21) adds after this verse: Maitreya bearer of the thirty-two marks. 167 (Lvi 389). The text focused on here, as the title makes explicit, concerns the prophecy of the future enlightenment of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. Buddha Maitreya, the reincarnation of Jesus the Christ offers online OM Meditations accompanied by a short dharma teaching. from 1914-1918 and from 1939-1945 were the scene for the biblical prophecy to be worked out. Literally, desires, not eating, and old age. The translation borrows from Conze (238-239), Three kinds of illness only are known people must relieve their bowels, they must eat, they must get old, and Lvi (391) who has . 7:18 PREVIEW Grief. 138 (lit. Edition A and the Tibetan do not have this line but instead have: When he enters the beautiful city of Ketumti. (AMV 25 n. 1). Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India. These are the Desire Realm (, ), Form Realm (, ), and Formless Realm (, ). (26), The minister48 of this king will be the brhmaa Subrahmaa.49 A very learned50 man who knows the four Vedas, he will be the kings teacher. Within the narrative it seems to be part of a trend to describe Maitreyas world as a step above Siddhrthas. 82Before this line, A inserts: He will give the sacrificial pillar made of seven jewels to the Brhmaas. ( [sic.] Patajali and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: An Alternative Social History of Early Dharmastra Production. In. is the genitive or ablative of that form. According to MW (444.3) these are the Palmyra or Fan-palm trees (Borassus flabellifer). presuming there is a single landmass surrounded by ocean. (9) [LH 980] [6], And the trees will be a league wide, loaded with leaves, flowers and fruit, and in those days their lifespan will be 80,00025 years. But it would then be the name of the king or an adjective modifying king, and there would be no name for the priest. Common Buddhist lore is that in Maitreyas time in the future his tree of enlightenment will be the Nga-tree ( [AMV 18], [LH 985.2; NT 964.7). He also will cup his hands together and praise the guide of the world. Literally, all these but translating in the second person as more colloquial following Lvi (395) and Conze (240). and kyamunis main female lay disciple, also called Mgramtar. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya refers to a time in . (great kings) is a noun ending in short -, , which makes it a nominative plural to match, in Buddhism are kings of the four directions, each ruling over a different type, white water-lilies, sweet-smelling white lotuses, aloe-wood, and sandalwood and similarly heavenly-made garlands and heavenly-made clothe, , , LH 989.1-989.2, NT 968.1-968.2). As more colloquial following Lvi ( 393 ) includes this line in his day reviewed. 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