['click', 'touchstart'].forEach(function(s) { success: load_cart, .cart-slideout .item .item-amount { #stewmax-learn-more .content-wrap { The amount used will depend on the size of the guitar, the timbers and the spraying technique. position: absolute; } catch (e) {}; Oxford . return ( Mohawk Finishing Products M102-0451 Finisher's Choice Clear Nitrocellulose Lacquer - Flat . FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER SEALER GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER SEALER 5 GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER FLAT 10 SHEEN GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER FLAT 10 SHEEN 5 GA, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER MATTE 20 SHEEN GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER MATTE 20 SHEEN 5 GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER SATIN 40 SHEEN GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER SATIN 40 SHEEN 5 GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER SEMI-GLOSS 60 SHEEN GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER SEMI-GLOSS 60 SHEEN 5 GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER GLOSS GAL, FINISHER''S CHOICE CLEAR LACQUER GLOSS 5 GAL, DuraCoat II Post-Catalyzed Clear Lacquer, 2220 US Hwy 70 SE, Suite 100Hickory, NC 28602. let trustModal = ` } }, 200); // 10s observer killswitch Jun 2, 2013. Oxford Aerosol Nitrocellulose Lacquer - Royal Purple - Metallic. Perfect Blend features a soft spray, low film build, and fine atomization resulting in virtually no overspray, little bounce, excellent flow, and strong ability to blend in with the surrounding surface. Mohawk. mohawk guitar lacquer. 2. sheen or gloss than most furniture grade lacquers. Add to Cart. Piano Lacquer is ideal for: Piano finishers and refinishers. Product is supplied at ready to spray viscosity but can be thinned with lacquer reducer if necessary. } It may not display this or other websites correctly. } checkAndRun(); In the second part of this tutorial I will show you what the nitro spraying process looks like. It dries very hard and thin which aids in the resonance of the instrument.
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.cart-slideout .item { // Code to Run });
color: #ff0000; } $('body').append(` var currencyCode = document.querySelector('#tsPreferredCurrencyCode'); z-index: 2; $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent()[0] url: $self.data('action'), document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('click', function(e) { .js-product-variants .mz-figure>img { } return $('.js-add-to-cart')[0]; Javascript is used to collapse and expand the header by adding/removing a class depending on scroll direction. $('body').append(` }); I use Mohawk's blush resistant reducer which is a thinner and a retarder mix. let cartContainer = $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent(); Oxford Deluxe Aerosol Nitrocellulose Lacquer Finishing Kit . that sinks into the wood to provide protection and beauty without
align-items: center; Many are simply inaccurate, others are outright false. Their Classic Instrument Lacquer, Finisher's Choice & Dura-Coat pre-catalyzed lacquer are all excellent. ) (function() { `; border-radius: 100%; Add both to Cart. check() && (disconnect && observer.disconnect(), code()); display: block; Express Post is available. $('').load(cart_url + ' .order-summary', function() { Your project deserves decent materials. Build your own professional custom tool kit by selecting a product variation and quantity listed below featuring an assortment of our wood, vinyl, leather and furniture touch up products. 3. if ( $('[href="#trust-modal"]').click(function() { } If at any time our products break, wear out, or fail to exceed expectations simply return for a replacement. } width: 100%; $244.26. products here. || canonical.startsWith('/search/') css.innerHTML = '.limited_availability_wrap { color: #35f; padding-left: 1.5em; } .js-products .limited_availability_wrap { padding: 0.25rem 1rem; text-align: left; font-size: .85rem; padding-top: 0; } .limited_availability, .limited_availability_desc { font-weight: bold; } .limited_availability_desc { padding-top: 1rem; } @media (max-width: 767.99px) { .tmx-product-details .pdp-product-variant div.tmx-variant-spinner { margin-top: 0; } }'; cartContainer.append(trustSealContainer); $.ajax({ } You can buy them from Amazon for about $25/can . v = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.js-product-variants .pdp-product-variant, .js-cart .cart-item-tile, .tmx-category-page .js-products .tmx-product-tile')); }; if (document.querySelector('main > .tmx-pdp')) { 2. ); padding: 10px;
Mohawk Classic Instrument Finish - replaces Behlen Stringed Instrument Lacquer - a product we used for many years and featured in my video - "Spray Lacquer for Guitars" It is "hands-down", the most forgiving, easiest finish to spray, flows out beautifully, and rubs out to a beautiful sheen. This item: Mohawk Finishing Classic Instrument Lacquer 1 Qt M610-1406. let checkAndRun = () => (keepChecking ? width: 220px; } var b = document.body.scrollHeight; of color. if (
})(); Mohawk Classic Stringed Instrument Lacquer is a high quality nitrocellulose lacquer specifically designed to produce a superior finish on the thin, flexible tone woods used when making wooden stringed instruments. height: 100%;
The "Chando" logo on the headstock is a screen print and a couple coats of lacquer is sprayed over that to help seal and protect it. The "Stringed Instrument lacquers" from Behlens, Mohawk, etc., contain more and . heavier depths then rubbed to perfection, a much greater shine and
#stewmax-learn-more { }, setInterval(function () { }
try { Mohawk Finishing Products M102-0541 Mohawk Finisher's Choice Clear Satin Lacquer 13 Oz. || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/banjo-parts/banjo-tuning-machine-heads/') After applying several coats, the
Thank you. display: flex; cart = { cartContainer.addClass("cart-header"); } gap: 20px; GUITAR TONER LACQUER AEROSOL-ENCORE BROWN, GUITAR TONER LACQUER AEROSOL - STARCAST AMBER, 2220 US Hwy 70 SE, Suite 100Hickory, NC 28602. var woodstax = document.querySelector('.tmx-product-details-woodstax > .row > .col-12.col-md-8.col-lg-6 > .ml-md-3 .mixAndSave'); openWidget(); e.setAttribute('data-options', 'textHoverZoomHint: Roll over image to zoom in ; textExpandHint: Click image to open expanded view; hint:always; zoomMode:off; lazyZoom: true'); ), $12.42. } catch (e) {}; if (document.querySelector('main > .tmx-pdp, main > .tmx-cart')) { var $orderSummary = $(this, virtual_dom).children(); display: flex; Solids: 20%. The Encore Brown is also used to create a sunburst effect around the edge of the body of a guitar, whether acoustic or solid bodied. } Ian Davlin, master repair tech from Lark Street Music shows the right way to fix a guitar finish blemish on this R9 Gibson Les Paul. let data_srcset = img.getAttribute('data-srcset'); 2 0z. new_img.setAttribute('title', img.getAttribute('title') || ''); */ $("body").append(trustModal); SIZE QUART CAN SHEEN GLOSS, SATIN right: 0; update_instock(); Easy to use and work with. check() && (observer.disconnect(), code()); margin-bottom: 5px; height: 100% !important; Add to cart Fills in and levels surface scratches and burn-in repairs.
var m = document.querySelector("body > main"); GUITAR TONER LACQUER AEROSOL-ENCORE BROWN. 2 entire mandolins. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (e) => { window.translatePrice = function(p) { - Highest quality nitrocellulose lacquer - Available in 4 specially formulated guitar colours - Tinted (translucent) - Suitable for acoustic & electric instruments - Compatible with all ColorTone & Mohawk . setTimeout(() => check_customer_service(checkCount), 100); Fast-drying, durable finish resists water and alcohol.
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. $51.98. Aug-11-2012, 10:36am. // Helper functions This lacquer is designed for use on wood which has been sealed with Behlen Vinyl Sealer, or on unfinished wood. function check() { ${variant === 1 ? if(m !== null && m.length === 1) { || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/bridges-and-tailpieces/')
${item.qty} x ${item.price}
}); Mohawk have been producing guitar finishing products for decades and are the preferred choice . I realize that many here use Behlen Nitrocellulose Stringed Instrument Lacquer for their finishes. // Added the following to handle impersonation sessions from customer service team When applied at
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/*Stewmac Price Translation - Enter USD price to return value in user's preferred currency*/ Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by, Luthier's Guitar & Bass Technical Discussion. .msg-wrap br { inp.setAttribute('max', avail); document.querySelectorAll('.js-product-variants img') When I do a drop fill touch-up such as this I start with a watered-down glue sizing to seal those torn fibers. 'processing-label' : 'addtocart-label'; padding: 10px; .cart-slideout .innerWrap { The times they are a changing.. An article I wrote a few months ago. font-weight: 600; The vintage nitro lacquer appears to look more like tea, while the modern version is similar in appearance to canola oil. Get it Jan 5 - 12. $49.90. var csBanner = document.querySelector(".customer-service"); if(avail !== 'many') { variantZoomStyle.textContent = ` Thread starter vonbeck2; Start date Nov 1, 2018; V. vonbeck2 New Member.
font-family: arial; })(); I also concur with Freddy that a gallon should get you 3 guitars or so. e.preventDefault(); return (cF.replace('{0}', to_price)); font-weight: bold; || canonical.startsWith('/electronics/amps/tubes-valves/') var isInternational = $('#SelectedCountry').val() !== 'USA'; width: 1100px; if (hm === null || m === null) { let trustSealText = ` opacity: 1; Touch Up. `; } if (e) MagicZoom.start(e); } All Rights Reserved. I got mine with 1200.000vnd in last a few years and still using ok. London, United. #M610-1406 Gloss Classic Instrument Lacquer $ per can, #M610-1406/4 Gloss Classic Instrument Lacquer 4 pack. if ($('.js-add-to-cart').is(':disabled')) return; The highest quality solvents and additives are blended in the precise amounts to form a reducer which aides in the application and drying of Mohawk lacquer. new_img.setAttribute('data-zoom', 'true'); The original versions were similar to acrylic lacquer, where colors faded and surfaces cracked. 85. . $20.95 ($0.65/Fl Oz) In Stock. let cssArray = []; $('[data-modal="stewmax-learn-more"]').click(function(e) { check_customer_service(); If you click the "Accept All Cookies" button or continue navigating the website, you agree to having those first and third-party cookies set on your device. $(".tmx-pdp")[0] The finish on the Chando Reverse Bamboo Blender Stratic Electric guitar is in a clear Mohawk Nitrocellulose Lacquer. max-width: 100% !important; Solvent-based nitrocellulose lacquer has been the dominant finish used by U.S. musical instrument factories for steel string guitars, archtop guitars, banjos and mandolins since the 1920's. It would not be an exaggeration to say that all, or nearly all, vintage/collectible American factory steel string instruments are finished in lacquer. font-weight: normal; document.querySelector("head").appendChild(css); Tone Finish Clear Lacquer Sanding Sealer One of the most versatile products used in furniture touchup. text-decoration: underline; let prev_active = document.querySelector('.active-variant-border'); o.observe(pv, {childList: true, subtree: true}); These lacquers are our best selling and easiest to use nitrocellulose formulation and perfect for applying to interior wooden surfaces. 1)"Nitro is made from wood so it allows the wood to breathe and resonate naturally, improving the tone." This statement is generally false. update_instock(); Nitrocellulose lacquer has been the finish of choice for many guitar builders and players since the 1930's. It's relatively simple to apply, buffs to a high gloss and is easy to repair. I was in a store recently that sold sculpture and mold making supplies and they had quarts of nitrocellulose Lacquer. var observer = new MutationObserver(fn); . var update_instock = function() { avail = ''; }; fn_killswitch && fn_killswitch() && observer.disconnect(); Read more about our PrivacyandCookiesPolicy. `); Out of stock. return item.quantity > 0; margin: 30px auto; if(inp !== null && avail.length && limit_max) } Acrylic Solvent-Based Cellulose acetate butyrate, or CAB acrylic top coats, are another competing option for an easy to use . There are reports coming to me from industry friends regarding sporadic finish film failures. nitrocellulose lacquer based sealer with added vinyl resin designed
align-items: center; || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/mandolin-parts/mandolin-bridges-and-tailpieces/') margin: 10px 0 0; For more information on how we use Cookies, please read our. LACQUER RETARDER Used when conditions cause blushing var inp = el.querySelector('input[name="quantity"]'); }); $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); Feel free
Starcast Amber applies the basic light tone colors of the guitar. observer.observe(document.documentElement, { } var to_price = (p.replace('$', '') * cE).toFixed(2); fn(); } 3 to 5 electric guitar or bass necks. Custom colors are also available.
body { To give you a faster and more personalized shopping experience, our site uses cookies. Its the stuff sold at Home Depot and Lowes (Deft). Cart - Add StewMAX CTA ${items.get().map(function(item) { wait_for_header(); } else if(woodstax) { My lacquer is supplied in 400ml aerosols. headline.innerHTML = newHeadline; color: #000; function send_event(event) { obs.observe(pv, {childList: true, subtree: true}); if (y > last_scroll && !has_class && last_height == b && document.querySelector('.header-dropdown .dropdown-menu.tmx-dropdown-menu.show') === null) { z-index: 2000; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(css); If any item you buy from us develops a fault due to materials or workmanship within one year of the purchase date you can return it to us for an equivalent replacement. } var pv = document.querySelector('.js-product-variants, .js-cart, .js-products'); . GUITAR TONER LACQUER AEROSOL - STARCAST AMBER. if (!isTotalValidNumber || total === 0) { }); Problem With Nitrocellulose Lacquer. Piano Lacquer is a high quality nitrocellulose lacquer specially formulated to allow higher build without sacrificing clarity for piano finishing and refinishing projects. cssArray.push({ desc: "", css: `` }); if (window.location.href.replace(window.location.origin, '').startsWith('/my-account/login/?returnUrl=%2fcheckout')) { } Our toners
.mz-expand .mz-figure img[src*=".svg"] { return; Add StewMAX Membership }); different types of products we offer and how to use them. This warranty is limited to replacement of StewMac products only and does not apply to other manufacturers' products sold by StewMac. document.querySelector('.js-product-variants') && // ; history: false
$('.stewmax-container__message-check .msg-wrap').html(` } building up on the fingerboard. var virtual_dom = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('virtual'); finish is rubbed using 4/0 Steel Wool to burnish the finish to a
Nitorlack colors are the result of an exhaustive study of the historical colors of the . check_header(); } $button.attr('disabled', isDisabled).text($button.data(label)); MA612-25407. line-height: 1.2; var avail = r.getAttribute('data-in-stock'); .cart-slideout .cart .btn { Poll: Who Supports Gibson or Refuse to Support a Company that Sues/Thwarts Competition to Keep Peddling Inferior/Sloppy Products at Inflated Prices. } })(); Nitorlak Amber Vintage Nitrocellulose Guitar Lacquer. var v = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.js-product-variants .pdp-product-variant, .js-cart .cart-item-tile, .tmx-category-page .js-products .tmx-product-tile .tmx-product-tile-body')); height: 42px; } So, select a small but unnoticeable section of your guitar finish and prepare to test it. Starcast Amber will provide a bright yellow
} You might want an extra bottle for thinner, for flushing purposes. max-width: 100%; 40 Sheen. margin: 0 auto; zoom_tag.setAttribute('class', 'zoom-tag'); ColorTone Nitrocellulose Guitar Lacquer can be applied over smooth bare wood, sanded . last_height = b; } One quart will finish: 1 acoustic guitar body and neck. So for anyone who is looking for nitrocellulose lacquer, you can get Mohawk Stringed Instrument Lacquer in spray cans, quarts and gallons very easily here: Stringed Instrument Lacquer, Classic Instrument Lacquer . Want an extra bottle for thinner, for flushing purposes without sacrificing clarity for piano Finishing refinishing. From Behlens, Mohawk, etc., contain more and $ button.attr ( '! Has been sealed with Behlen Vinyl Sealer, or on unfinished wood unfinished wood & ;., isDisabled ).text ( $ button.data ( label ) ) ; Problem with Nitrocellulose Lacquer -.! $ 0.65/Fl Oz ) in Stock per can, # M610-1406/4 Gloss Classic Instrument Lacquer pack. 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